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Edu-616: Week 5

See also: -[]- -[Three Case Studies - Analysis and Review]- (M/S word doc) -[]- -[]- -[Endangered Minds]- (book & web site)

Edu-610: Week 6

NOTE: An "SME" - Subject Matter Expert; eg, "an orinthologist". "SMA" - Subject Matter Area; the area of knowledge that the SME is an expert in; eg, "birds". "K-domain" - Knowledge domain. Should be sufficient to locate via googles. Thus "an orinthologist" is an SMA in "birds" (K-domain: aves). NOTE: For proper spelling refer to the Dewey Decimal System; specifically "Melvin Dewey". - that is all (well, for now ;) IN THIS Block: -[Case Studies: Paper 1]- (word doc) -[]- -[]- -[]- -[]- On this page: {Intro} {Stuff} {} {} {} {} {Refs} {Links}


Who is "this frank character?" and why does he use such un-usual "english"? -[
click here]- (a new window will open)


ALWAYS: First harsh words, then healing energies.... The *oddest* thing about properly quoting stuff, and etc - is how it WORSHIPS originality. And yet when artists are different - they are eschewed for not being "acceptable" - ie, like everything else that's being done. Oooh, ahhh it's the renaissance!! Or in more modern times, oooh, ahhh, it's impressionism!!! What a crock. - frank (still miffed at the aburdity of it all and how it will determin OTHER people's lives, careers, and saddly enough what the teachers will do when they are spit out on to the pavement of anti-derivative sentiment that pervades the matrix of our bird cage; just act everyone else and you'll be fine - et tu Jamie Escalante?? [] *** BUT THEN, SUDDENLY on a completely different and obviously prosac-induced stream of blind optimsim... Week One Readings ================= May the Oracle protect and guide us. [The Matrix] Discussion Forums ================= Participate in the following Discussion Forums: Post your Introduction 7/15/08 Discussion Forum 1 Technology Integration 7/17/08 Discussion Forum 4 Writing with DEAPR 7/17/08 Discussion Forum 3 Spreadsheet Activity 7/21/08 Written Assignment 7 ============ BLOCK QUOTE (expund) Discussion Forums Participate in the following Discussion Forums: 1. Due by Day 1. Introduction. Post an Introduction on the discussion forum titled, “Introductions” in Learning Block One. Tell us who you are, your professional background and experience and your interests related to this course. Respond to at least three other students’ postings. 2. 1st Posting Due by Day 3. Technology Integration. The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) is a leading educational technology org. ISTE has created educational technology standards for students, teachers and administrators. On their website for student standards, you can find several technology-integrated lesson plans. If you are K-12 focused, choose a lesson plan that integrates a common productivity software tool (such as word processing, spreadsheets, or databases) into a lesson plan. In your initial post, provide: a. title of the lesson plan b. grade level and curriculum area(s) addressed c. technology used d. a brief commentary on your impression of this lesson plan e. the link for the lesson plan If you are corporate focused, consider your client needs and technology resources. In many instances, the technology you want to include may or may not be supported by the client. In your initial post, provide: a. an instance where productivity tools (such as word processing, spreadsheets, or databases) could benefit the client b. industry focus c. technology used d. brief commentary on the difficulties of incorporating technology in client environments Your second post should be a response to a person who is in the opposite focus of you. Remember that although K-12 and corporate education are different, many of the same technology principles apply. You may respond to anyone in your third post. 3. 1st Posting Due by Day 3. Writing with DEAPR. Writing is an essential skill in today’s society. More so than ever before, people are expected to communicate through writing in formats such as email. It is therefore imperative to provide good writing strategies. On pages 97-100 (Chapter 4 of Technology for Teaching), you read about the DEAPR strategy. Write an email to your boss or principal requesting additional resources (could be supplies or software applications). Write your request using each of the five parts to the DEAPR process. Keep notes in another document for each step of the DEAPR process on how you constructed each section and what you found easy and what you found hard. Submit two documents: the final request letter as well as your notes/reflections you took while creating the letter. Full credit will not be given for posts that do not reference course readings. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings. Written Assignments 1. Due by Day 7. Spreadsheet Activity. This activity is designed to familiarize you with using spreadsheets for a learning activity. There are several ways that spreadsheet software can be integrated into subjects to help learners practice, visualize and understand concepts. You may be very familiar with spreadsheets from prior uses or you may have never used this software before. Please try this activity regardless of your skill level in order to experience how a teacher/trainer can use a spreadsheet. If you find the activity too hard, communicate with the instructor to get help. If you find this too easy, you will find several more activities that extend these concepts on the web. Please feel free to try more complex activities if you prefer. To complete this assignment follow the steps below: a. Click on Mac or PC Measurement Activity link in the assignment folder (depending on the type of computer you use) b. A PDF file will download onto your computer. The PDF file is called PC_MeasurementActivity.pdf or MAC_MeasurementActivity.pdf depending on the one you downloaded. c. Follow the directions in the PDF file to create a mock measurement spreadsheet. You can substitute your own numbers if desired. d. Copy and paste the graph(s) you create into a Word document e. Write your thoughts on this activity. § What are three ways you could incorporate this in the classroom or training room? § What are three challenges in using this tool? § If you have ways in which you would modify this activity, feel free to describe it. This assignment must include graphs and at least 1 page of text. (If you do not have Microsoft Excel on your computer, please notify the instructor. This spreadsheet activity can be done with any spreadsheet software, but the directions may vary a little from the PDF file.) =================== MORE M/S "stuff" Guidance The reading assignments for Learning Block One provide an excellent introduction on software tools that educators and trainers can use to improve their productivity. Business and academic software applications can be used for tracking students; monitoring resources utilization; gathering and organizing performance-related and data; and preparing and presenting student performance reports) and classroom and improve teaching and learning process. The focus of this week’s readings is on the most common and useful features of administrative and academic productivity software. The authors provided examples and descriptions of exemplary ways in which educators have used information technology to enhance the teaching and learning experience, both inside and outside the classroom. Rather than repeat here what the textbooks have already amply presented, I have chosen to relate my professional experiences with using some of the software applications covered in this block’s reading assignments. Throughout the years, I have prepared my own documents (Corel WordPerfect, Microsoft Word), database management systems, websites and web pages, charts and tables, PowerPoint presentations, and spreadsheet applications (lotus 1-2-3, Quattro Pro, Excel). My favorite productivity software is Microsoft Office 2007 suite and Microsoft Office 2003 suite. I utilize the word processor application about 60 percent of the time that I am on a computer; spreadsheet, a bout 10 percent; e-mail, 5 percent; and academic-specific applications, primarily online teaching and learning systems, about 20 percent. Today, educators and trainers must be competent in the use of the various software tools to produce various documents and reports (e.g., class rosters, grade reports, calendars, budgets, contact lists, web pages, status reports, schedules, announcement, newsletters, and electronic presentations). Links to Supplemental Resources =============================== Cunningham, A. (2003). Supporting student-centered teaching and learning: Technology in Wake Forest University education programs. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher. Retrieved on July 10, 2008, from http://www.citejournal.org/vol3/iss1/general/article4.cfm Eisenberg, M. & Johnson, D. (1996). Computer skills for information problem-solving: Learning and teaching technology in context. ERIC Digest. Retrieved on July 10, 2008, from http://www.ericdigests.org/1996-4/skills.htm Instructional design principles and foundations. Retrieved on July 10, 2008, from http://www.about-elearning.com/instructional-design.html Office productivity software. Retrieved on July 10, 2008, from http://www.about-elearning.com/office-productivity-software.html Technology applications. Retrieved on July 10, 2008, from http://nces.ed.gov/pubs2003/tech_schools/chapter4_2.asp#3 Technology integration strategies. Retrieved on July 10, 2008, from http://www.glencoe.com/sec/teachingtoday/subject/tech_integration.phtml References Lever-Duffy, J., McDonald, J. B., & Mizell, A. P. (2008). Teaching and Learning with Technology (3rd ed.). Boston:Pearson. Norton, P. & Sprague, D. (2001). Technology for Teaching. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. ISBN: 0536095183 Week 1 Tasks Readings 1. Read the following selection from Teaching and Learning with Technology: a. Chapter 5 (pp. 164-201) 2. Read the following selections from Technology for Teaching: a. Chapter 4 (pp. 80-100) b. Chapter 9 (pp. 228-237) Discussion Forums 1. Introduction. Post an Introduction on the discussion forum titled, “Introductions” in Learning Block One. Tell us who you are, your professional background and experience and your interests related to this course. Respond to at least three other students’ postings. § Due Tuesday, July 15, 2008. 2. Technology Integration. The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) is a leading educational technology organization. ISTE has created educational technology standards for students, teachers and administrators. On their website for student standards, you can find several technology-integrated lesson plans. If you are K- 2 focused, choose a lesson plan that integrates a common productivity software tool (such as word processing, spreadsheets, or databases) into a lesson plan. In your initial post, provide: a. title of the lesson plan b. grade level and curriculum area(s) addressed c. technology used d. a brief commentary on your impression of this lesson plan e. the link for the lesson plan If you are corporate focused, consider your client needs and technology resources. In many instances, the technology you want to include may or may not be supported by the client. In your initial post, provide: a. an instance where productivity tools (such as word processing, spreadsheets, or databases) could benefit the client b. industry focus c. technology used d. brief commentary on the difficulties of incorporating technology in client environments Your second post should be a response to a person who is in the opposite focus of you. Remember that although K-12 and corporate education are different, many of the same technology principles apply. You may respond to anyone in your third post. § Due by Thursday, July 17, 2008. 3. Writing with DEAPR. Writing is an essential skill in today’s society. More so than ever before, people are expected to communicate through writing in formats such as email. It is therefore imperative to provide good writing strategies. On pages 97-100 (Chapter 4 of Technology for Teaching), you read about the DEAPR strategy. Write an email to your boss or principal requesting additional resources (could be supplies or software applications). Write your request using each of the five parts to the DEAPR process. Keep notes in another document for each step of the DEAPR process on how you constructed each section and what you found easy and what you found hard. Submit two documents: the final request letter as well as your notes/reflections you took while creating the letter. Full credit will not be given for posts that do not reference course readings. § Due by Thursday, July 17, 2008. § Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings by Monday, July 21, 2008. Written Assignments 1. Spreadsheet Activity. This activity is designed to familiarize you with using spreadsheets for a learning activity. There are several ways that spreadsheet software can be integrated into subjects to help learners practice, visualize and understand concepts. You may be very familiar with spreadsheets from prior uses or you may have never used this software before. Please try this activity regardless of your skill level in order to experience how a teacher/trainer can use a spreadsheet. If you find the activity too hard, communicate with the instructor to get help. If you find this too easy, you will find several more activities that extend these concepts on the web. Please feel free to try more complex activities if you prefer. Please refer to the PDF’s in your class in the Written Assignments folder in Week One a. Click on Mac or PC Measurement Activity link(depending on the computer you use you use) b. A PDF file will download onto your computer. The PDF file is called PC_MeasurementActivity.pdf or MAC_MeasurementActivity.pdf depending on the one you downloaded. c. Follow the directions in the PDF file to create a mock measurement spreadsheet. You can substitute your own numbers if desired. d. Copy and paste the graph(s) you create into a Word document e. Write your thoughts on this activity. § What are three ways you could incorporate this in the classroom or training room? § What are three challenges in using this tool? § If you have ways in which you would modify this activity, feel free to describe it. This assignment must include graphs and at least 1 page of text. (If you do not have Microsoft Excel on your computer, please notify the instructor. This spreadsheet activity can be done with any spreadsheet software, but the directions may vary a little from the PDF file.) ==================================


