Frank R.H. Leeding (stage name; pronounced to rhyme with wedding) IRL: Richard L. Traynham, DFW MetroPlex (currently in Fort Worth; Central Time Zone) Texas, Earth (aka "Terra"), Sol-3, Milky Way Galaxy, ... email: fleeding@hotmail.com web sites: http://art-squeek.angelfire.com - escapements from my mind (or what's left of it ;) https://www.angelfire.com/art3/fleeding - mostly professional stuff https://www.angelfire.com/art3/pkda2001 - techie things Artist/poet mainly interested in these courses to teach art and possibly technology. I'm going thru the certification process here in Texas and hence my interest in on-line learning and such. TV was the beginning, the inter-net is the next logical step. Hmmm, we'll see; we'll see... Pedagogically speaking, i'm from the old Montessori school of teaching/learning. And i'm pretty much "on about" V/R (Virtual Reality) and other kinds of constructed enviroments, and distributed education - now "distance learning". Interests include: SciFi, science, history (esp ancient and modern, art history, etc), all things botanic, science and such, as well as languages - not that i'm much good in *any* of them; even English ;) Run-on sentences, me??? Now really! The main problem is that the poetic is (in general) counter-productive to the formal style. Hmmm... Skills: Web geek (mostly flat HTML web pages, pc-paint, M/S Word, etc). News Reporter (wrote for 3 years on the Brookhaven Courier), mainly A&E articles. -[Frank Montage photos]- *** CLOSE THIS WINDOW WHEN DONE ***