See also: [Art Concepts]
[Evolution] (in Botany)
[Evolution] (as Philo idea)
On this page: {Intro}
Evolution A/H-wise - intro
The concept of evolution presents something of a problem when
applied to the arts. Mainly this has to do with the fact that
art-wise technique, subject, and even style are pretty much
an infinitely malleable putty. Aloso, artists are much more
likely to revisit older techniques, ideas, and subjects than
other areas of discovery. And oddly enough in those other
areas, it IS when practioneurs DO re-vist old ideas that
progress can be especially bold; eg, the return of the
fin'd'cycle (1800c/1900c) physicists to the ancient
Greek and Chinese philosophies that led them to re-think
their view of the micro-world of the universe. Here i'm
thinking of going back to the ideas of indivisibility
and of the ever changing flow of the river of life and
interaction with the world around it.
The pattern by which *any* art is taught is pretty much
the same.
First off, there are the classics which constitute a pretty
rigid set of "standards" that serve two purposes: One - they
are well known to the public (but mainly by reputation) and
as such constitute what the "conventional wisdom" takes to
define what the art IS and what it IS NOT. And two - they
provide a universal langauge/reference-set/boundary-markers
for "all work in the art to proceed in/against/beside and
to proceed UP/OUT FROM".
Next are those details that *only* become apparent when a
person (usually an intense amateur or naieve artist) or a
student in an arts school (regardless of what area of "art")
undertakes the serious and deliberating study of the arts.
These are key sign posts and keystones in the discipline.
They are usually break-though areas within the art, or
important keys leading to a break-through.
And next-to-last there are the works of the "just-prior"
generation artists. The ones who have "just now" --or--
"just then" become recognised by a larger segment of the
interested community,
And of course, finally there is our own work and the works
of our compadres. It's important to note that in many cases
we don't really understand out compadres' works --and-- often
they ours. However, there IS a level of mutual respect and
regard among our given creche - because we have had the same
teachers, the same schooling and most importantly ARE in the
same community. And not just the "communitas" that we form
due to our common connectins, but the city/town that we live
in - and in some cases the boundaries of out community will
extend further; eg, to metroplex, region, province, etc.