Yves Klein
[Photography] [A/H Index] [^^TIME Line]
See also: [Stop Motion]
[Art Techniques]
[TIME LINE] (just a snap-shot of an instant of space-time glued into a plastic resin)
[^^Film] (film index to the FILMS directory)
[post post-modernism]
On this page: {Intro}
Yves Klein
(b. ; d.)
"A Man in Space!" (A jump into the void)
titlepage of Dimanche, November
27, 1960; photo c/o Shunk-Kender.
The Daguerreotype
The Calotype
Frizot, Michel(1998). A New History of Photography.
Milan: kOnemann. ISBN 3.8290.1328.0, LCCN #
This massive volume is treuly a book for the
new milenium! Superbly readable, as well as
a trove of "the classics" and rare photos.