Eadweard J. Muybridge

[Photography] [A/H Index] [^^TIME Line] See also: [Flying Gallop] [Stop Motion] [Art Techniques] [TIME LINE] (just a snap-shot of an instant of space-time glued into a plastic resin) [Film] [^^Film] (film index to the FILMS directory) [post post-modernism] On this page: {Intro} {Refs}

Eadweard J. Muybridge

(b. ; d.) Well known is the idea of a bet as to whether when a horse is in full gallop, do all four of its feet leave the ground? See: -[
Flying Gallop]- The idea conceived by Muybridge was simple: Have a horse gallop across along a path and as it does so, have its feet break delicate trip wires which would trigger cameras one-after-the-next to take photos of the horse as it passed along the path. So, in order to do stop motion he needed a set up like this: A blank wall along the left against which to take the pictures as the horse strode (galloped) by, and then the trip wires and their cameras along with their house to hold them all. After viewing the set up, and within five years, Marey would have a portable "camera gun" that could almost the same thing. See: -[Stop Motion]- As pointed out in [Frizot, P.244], the colodion process then in use was too slow to "stop" motion. But, what the photo-sensitive surface could not do, the shutter could. Also not that Frizot reminds us that to link this idea of sequential cameras to "the invention of cinema (nearly twenty years later), but that is a s psuedo-historical view of events, directed by hindsight, and does not correspond to the real objectives of the decisive years 1875-1885, since none of them had looked for, or een evisaged, that reconstitution of visual reality that we call cinema." "... others had taken an interst in this problem: Louis Ducos du Hauron (in 1864), Cook and Bonelli (1863-1865) Entienne-Jules Marey (1884) & Heny Du Mont - who wrote: (1861 in his patent) People in motion will be reproduced in all the phases of their movements, and with the interval of time which really separated those phases. [Frizot, P. 245] An important aspect of this last is, that the motion of a person is NOT continuous and evenly spaced: Throwing a discus is the clearest example of this, since the wind up is quite rapid, and the final un-flinging quite smooth - but, the body flow seems much slower at the last. And then of course, the final pause and "follow through". See: -[Stop Motion]- This idea was NOT unique in that it had already been established that stop-motion (a result of flash photography) could "freeze" the action of a scene. This also gave rise to the concept of a "still" photo extracted from a film. See: -[Cindy Sherman]- -[]- -[]- -[]- -[]- -[]- -[]- -[]- -[]-


The Daguerreotype

The Calotype

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Frizot, Michel(1998). A New History of Photography. Milan: kOnemann. ISBN 3.8290.1328.0, LCCN # This massive volume is treuly a book for the new milenium! Superbly readable, as well as a trove of "the classics" and rare photos. -[
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