[] []Objective Art
See also: [Objectivity in distancing] [Film Terms (on film page)] [Film] [Alienation] (film term) [Art Films] [(art) Concepts]Distancing
The concept of distancing might at first glance appear to be the same as -[alienation]-, but in reality the primary idea behind alienation is that it sets apart one person or thing from the rest. And this is not some "mere" dermarkation occuring by something "passive" like classificatin, but rather it is to set up a series of *barriers* between the alientated and its/their environment. The ways that distancing can be used are now briefly described (if you think of any others, or have commetns, etc, pls email me, frank: fleeding@hotmail.com ) 1) Objectivity. In the case of the scientist or the surgeon, the practicioner needs to distance themselves from the object under study/treatment so that they may judge each aspect and evaluate it in terms of the existing body of knowledge and how it may be "investigated". The scientist exams the "fact that doesn't fit the theory" in order to extend the theory to encompass a wider universe that it does in its current form. Thus, scientific distancing leads to scientific progress - even to the extent of having to over-throw existing "doctrine" - but read by scientists as THE STATE OF THE ART or THE FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES. In a sense, this is no different than the belief system of the fundamentalist. Similarly, the surgeon must remember their *theoretical* training and undertake to tear apart the patient so as to find and fix the problem, and *then* to re-build them so that the flaw/disease/injury has been corrected. Thus, the brain surgeon must not think about what s/h/they are doing so that they *can* concentrate on what they are doing - diging around inside someone's brain and hence the IS-ness of that person. 2)Chronology
film clip examples, etc.