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When on August 24, 79 AD (ce79.08.24) Mount Vesuvius errupted within the span of almost one day the Roman cities of Pompeii (pahm-pay) and Herculaneum (her cue lane ium) were buried under ash and within days volcanic mud. Thus, freezing in perfect form the actual city and (sadly) its people right where they stood. The treasure of this tragedy is that for the future, the history and actual use of the ancient cities was far better preserved than anyother - no looters could forge thru it, nor even the Roman emperors who often gutted previous works to salvage marble - nor later in the Christian era when the statues of Roman Gods were be-headed and the Saint's heads placed atop them. Only the panopoly ??name?? escaped restructuring as it was properly blessed and turned into a church. Of course looting had to follow when by 1738 some digging provided treasures from the past that thankfully ended up in the National Museum of Napoli.History
From the Columbia Encyclopedia (Univ Columbia, NY) via Bartleby on-line: -[Pompeii]- BEGIN BLOCK QUOTE Possibly an old Oscan settlement, it was a Samnite city for centuries before it passed under Roman rule at the time of Lucius Cornelius Sulla (1st cent. B.C.). Pompeii was not only a flourishing port but a prosperous resort with many villas. An earthquake in A.D. 63 did much damage, and an eruption of Mt. Vesuvius in A.D. 79 (which was described by Pliny the Younger) [usually read in Latin II] buried Pompeii, along with Herculaneum and Stabiae, under cinders and ashes that preserved the ruins of the city with magnificent completeness—down to the fresh colors of the wall paintings. END BLOCK QUOTEReference
Ward-Perkins John Bryan (1978). "Pompeii AD. 79", Alfred A. Knopf, NY. LCCN DG 70.P7'W34, ISBN 0.394.50491.7. An excellent collection of images, and text, alas lacks an index.