See also: [Realism Now, by Linda Nochlin] [Realism () (art movement) -[Trade marks]-Symbolism
On this page: {Intro} {Culutural Markers} (as a part of symbolism)Intro
Symbols are of couse things that stand for other things. This was first really explored in linguistics by -[Ferdinand Sausure]- We might think that a red octogon is a symbol. But, it's a sign; even without the word STOP. Now if the if the "stop sign" is used to represent traffic signs in general - then it becomes a SYMBOL for that concept. That is in this case, the stop sign doesn't necessarily mean "stop". In general, symbols are usually ambiguous and very dependent on familiarity with the genre, time, culture, etc. Take for example, a picture of a bird. Now if it's painted by -[Audibon]- it's probably "merely" a picture of a bird. If it appears in a painting it might mean the "genteel, country life", "freedom", or even "death". Of course, it might be a symbol for flying, chriping merrily, etc - or anything that birds are known to do. In these latter cases, the bird becomes less a symbol and more a direct object - as would be case in an Audibon painting. The thing is that we can make symbols mean anything. Of course, if a symbol copies a known symbol or direct thing, then it can transfer from that source thing some or all of its attributes just by resembling something. Note that this is part of the concept of "symbolic healing" used by Shamans, etc. And of course this concept has been "dignified" in modern medicine as "image therapy". -[Healing]- (in psych) -- same duck; different hat. So, of course, once we "identify" the symbols that a particular artist then we gain new insight into their work.Culutural Markers
(as a part of symbolism)The Usual Suspects
John Sloan () ?member or no?