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Edu-610: Week 6

See also: -[]- -[Mind the (EDU) Gap: Corporate Training vs Public Education.]- -[]- -[]- -[]-

Edu-610: Week 6

NOTE: An "SME" - Subject Matter Expert; eg, "an orinthologist". "SMA" - Subject Matter Area; the area of knowledge that the SME is an expert in; eg, "birds". "K-domain" - Knowledge domain. Should be sufficient to locate via googles. Thus "an orinthologist" is an SMA in "birds" (K-domain: aves). NOTE: For proper spelling refer to the Dewey Decimal System; specifically "Melvin Dewey". - that is all (well, for now ;) The *oddest* thing about properly quoting stuff, and etc - is how it WORSHIPS originality. And yet when artists are different - they are eschewed for not being "acceptable" - ie, like everything else that's being done. Oooh, ahhh it's the renaissance!! Or in more modern times, oooh, ahhh, it's impressionism!!! What a crock. - frank (still miffed at the aburdity of it all and how it will determin OTHER people's lives, careers, and saddly enough what the teachers will do when they are spit out on to the pavement of anti-derivative sentiment that pervades the matrix of our bird cage. Week Six Readings ================== Readings ======== [Readings???! - So, let me get this right. We're being assigned NEW readings (and with attendent analysis - DURING FINALS WEEK????) Where's the exit, Morphius? ] May the Oracle protect and guide us. 1. Review p.38-41 of Teaching and Learning with Technology. 2. Read the following journal articles: a. McHale, T. (2005). Portrait of a digital native. Technology & Learning, 26(2), 33-34. ProQuest Document ID: 905962221 b. Breitman, R. (2006) The Future is NOW. Scholastic News, 74(20), pg. 4. ProQuest Document ID: 1013258041 >1013258041.< c. Dynia, M.V (2006) E-LEARNING or B(LENDED)- LEARNING? LIMRA’s MarketFacts Quarterly, 25(10), pg. 42. ProQuest Document ID: 995318321 Discussion Forums ================= Participate in the following Discussion Forums: 1. 1st Posting Due by Day 3. Looking Ahead. On pages 38-41 of Teaching and Learning with Technology: there is a timeline of the evolution of educational technologies. This week’s journal article readings also provide insights about the learners of tomorrow. Based on the readings this week, think ahead and predict where you think technology and human interaction with technology will go in the next 20 years. What technologies will we be using in 2025 and how might that impact us as a society. (You can take any angle on this: think as a “futurist,” an educator, or a user of technology.) Respond to at least two of your fellow students’ postings. Full credit will not be given for posts that do not reference course readings. 2. 1st Posting Due by Day 3. Graduate Writing, APA, and Plagiarism. You have **just** completed your first graduate course [italice mine: Isn't this a bit overly optimistic???] in which you have been expected to produce graduate level written work. You have also had **the chance** [italics mine: so, is that the only chanse we get??] to complete the English Writing Proficiency Assessment and the Avoiding Plagiarism Tutorial. What have you learned about your writing skills? What is your greatest strength and greatest weakness in this area? How do you plan to address your weaknesses? Respond to at least two of your fellow students’ postings. Written Assignments 1. Due by Day 7. Final Project. Instructions for the Final Project are found under “Components of Course Evaluation” in your student guide as well as in Learning Block Six of your online course.
