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Piero di Cosimo

See also: -[Procris]- (Mythology sub-directory)


What drew me to this painter was this one image in a book (see below) that was so beautifully surreal. Admist all of the pieta's, adorations, was the "di Cosimo" chap. Now who was that? A mis-print?

Mythologogical Scene

tenderly bending over her a faun
(the mythological half-human/half-goat
usually playing a flute/lyre) and the
faithful hound almost weepingly sits at
her feet (presumed subject: "The Death of Procris")
Anyway, i've tucked the notes about her under the mythology directory.. -[Procris]- (Mythology sub-directory) Procris - Wife of Cephalus As Michael Jacobs says about Piero (di Cosimo) BEGIN BLOCK QUOTE ========================= [P.33] The most bizarre Florentine painter of mythloggies of the late 15th century [sic, 1500c] was Piero di Cosimo. Vasari gives an entertaiing description of Piero as a savage recluse who despised all civilised values, hated the sound of churh bells and the chanting of monks, survived on an exclusive diet of hard-boioled eggs prepared in great numbers in advance, and whose life-style was in short "more besital than human". The mythological world which interested Piero was correspondingly a primitive one, such workd as the "Mythologicial Scene" which can not be satisfactorily related to a specific classical text, is merely a haunting evocation of life in an almost primitive wilderness. As with his other paintings, Piero displays his love for animals, and appropriately a dog is shown to be almost as fascinated by the dead woman as is the kneeling fawn bent over her. Piero's crude and brutal outlook on life was shared by at least one of his patrons, Francesco Pugliese, who onwed a very large number of the artist's mythologies and was later banned from Florence for calling Lorenzo de Medicci 'il magnifico merdo" ("The Magnificent Shit"). END BLOCK QUOTE =========================== -- so, these are bad things??? Sounds like my sort of absurdist. But, alas; i, digress.


Jacobs, Michael (1980). A Guide to European Painting. Royal Smeets Offset Weert, Netherlands, ISBN 0.89009.381.4 - Pp. 33-34,

More about Francesco Pugliese

(that scaliwag!) A wool merchant... -[www.MetMuseum.org]- -[more materials here]- http://www.metmuseum.org/education/er_online_resourc.asp


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