See also: -[Modernism via Film]- -[Film via Game]- The Hero's Journey also Description: This is a traditional film appreciation course, but taught from the point of view of modernism. And of course post-modernism, and post-post-modernism, .... For more info, email: FrankVanPelt AT care2 DOT com -- ask for Frank. (the film list is the same as the film-only class -- see below)The Reading List
BNW - Brave New World (& "BNW Revisited) 1984 - Orwell Martian Time Slip - PK Dick (& "Maze of Death) Breakfast of Champions - Kurt Vonnegut Left Hand of Darkness -- Ursula K. Le Guin Library of Babel & Tlon - Jorge Luis Borges The Stranger -- Camus (& Myth of Sysaphis && The Plague) Theatre of the Absurd - Eslin (& absurdist plays) The Worldly Philsopheres - Robert Hielbroener No Exit -- J-P Sartre (& The Flies (play)) Alice in Wonderland & Thru the Looking Glass - Lewis Carol Frankenstein - Mary Shelly Dracula - Bram Stoker ------ FILMS ---- 2001 (& 2010) day the earth stood still the matrix (excerpts) shakespear: Hamlet (film &/or text) Wargames Momento Wag the DogFilm List
In addition to the films, music and readings in the aesthetics will be introduced so that participants become acquainted with the "cannon" of literary criticism of modernism. Week 1 - Ancient times - The Greek influence ======= Film: "Jason and the Argnonauts" Readings: Plato and Aristotle Week 2 - The Dark Ages to the Dawn of Modern Technology ======= Film: none (but i'm always open to suggestions) 400 - 1400 The Age of Faith and Chivalry Poem: -["Quite Early One Morning" by Dylan Thomas]- Better formating: -["Quite Early One Morning" by Dylan Thomas]- (word doc) Music: Carl Orff "Carmina Burana" 1400 - The Renaissance 1700 - The Age of exploration Week 3 - Behold the inventor! ======= 1700 - 1910 The Age of Modern Technology Film: "The Great Race" Technology: The Steam Engine The Locomotive The telegraph (and shortly the telephone) Electricity Car & Air Plane Week 4 - The focus on ordinary/extraordinary people ======= Film: Lust for Life - the artist as hero Beethoven as larger than life Film: (extracts) "Modern Times" and "The General" Music: "Parade" by Erik Satie & Jean Cocteau Week 5 - The Great War ======= 1914-1918 and its consequences Film: "Grand Illusion" The absurdists and dadaists, etc. Week 6 - The 1920's ======= Film: "Metropolis" Week 7 - The 1930's ======= Film: "The Magnificent Seven" the myth of the west the last decade before the total destruction innocence Week 8 - The 1940's ======= World War II Film: "Is Paris Burning?" Week 9 - 1950's ======= Youth takes center stage and the cold war Film (extracts) "The Giant Gilla Monster" "Bucket Full of Blood" Film: "Day the Earth Stood Still" Week 10 - 1960's ======= The New Idealism, and then the world in revolution Film: "The Dish" Strangely enough, the idea of "international spy" caught the imaginagion, viz.... TV (extract): Opening of "The Prisoner" -- official fan site ref site: -- town in Wales where it was filmed Spy shows: The Man from U.N.C.L.E. (tried to defuse the cold war) I Spy (one of the more mysterious and intriguing) Get Smart (the ultimate spoof) And.... That Girl - precursor of the Mary Tyler Moore Show The Girl from U.N.C.L.E. (see, even girls can be spies) Honey West Note: The "send off" ep of Girl from UNCLE featured both Stephanie Powers and Robert Vaughn and in a bizare twist Boris Karlof in drag - with Vaughn recapping his Hamlet days as a young actor. Week 11 - 1970's ======= Enough of war and polarisation, the "credibility gap",... Film: "The Magic Christian" Week 12 - 1980's ======= Greed is good - Why not have it all? Film: "How to succeed in Business without Really Trying" The emergence of the anti-hero and the non-hero or why isn't my life like that one on TV? Film (extracts): "Die Hard" "Desparately Seeking Susan" Week 13 - 1990's ======= Technology enables the rest of the world Film: "Lagaan: Once upon a time in India" Week 14 - 2000's ======= Film: "Wag the Dog" Film (extract) "The Matrix" Week 15 - now, welcome to the 21st century ======= Film: "Ghost World" Week 16 - Student presentations & chalk talks ======= Now go forth and filminate!