See also: -[Modernism via Film & TEXT]- (ie, "readings")!!!!
-[Modernism via Film]-
Description: This is a traditional film appreciation course,
but taught from the point of view of game development.
And of course post-modernism, and post-post-modernism, ....
For more info,
email: FrankVanPelt AT care2 DOT com -- ask for Frank.
Essential to game-ing is the hero's journey (well, that's the
way i see it)...
On this page: {}
{The Hero's Quest}
{The Lyric Poem & Ballad}
{The Epic Journey}
{Redux: The Hero Re-envisioned}
The Hero's Quest
The Lyric Poem & Ballad
The Epic Journey
Redux: The Hero Re-envisioned
The Reading List
Theatre of the Absurd - Eslin (& absurdist plays)
The Agamemnon
J-P Sartre: The Flies (play)
------ FILMS ----
Film List
In addition to the films, music and readings in the aesthetics
will be introduced so that participants become acquainted with
the "cannon" of literary criticism of modernism.
Week 1 - Ancient times - The Greek influence
Film: "Jason and the Argnonauts"
Readings: Plato and Aristotle
Week 2 - The Dark Ages to the Dawn of Modern Technology
Film: none (but i'm always open to suggestions)
400 - 1400 The Age of Faith and Chivalry
Poem: -["Quite Early One Morning" by Dylan Thomas]-
Better formating: -["Quite Early One Morning" by Dylan Thomas]- (word doc)
Music: Carl Orff "Carmina Burana"
1400 - The Renaissance
1700 - The Age of exploration
Week 3 - Behold the inventor!
1700 - 1910 The Age of Modern Technology
Film: "The Great Race"
Technology: The Steam Engine
The Locomotive
The telegraph (and shortly the telephone)
Car & Air Plane
Week 4 - The focus on ordinary/extraordinary people
Film: Lust for Life - the artist as hero
Beethoven as larger than life
Film: (extracts) "Modern Times" and "The General"
Music: "Parade" by Erik Satie & Jean Cocteau
Week 5 - The Great War
1914-1918 and its consequences
Film: "Grand Illusion"
The absurdists and dadaists, etc.
Week 6 - The 1920's
Film: "Metropolis"
Week 7 - The 1930's
Film: "The Magnificent Seven"
the myth of the west
the last decade before the total
destruction innocence
Week 8 - The 1940's
World War II
Film: "Is Paris Burning?"
Week 9 - 1950's
Youth takes center stage and the cold war
Film (extracts) "The Giant Gilla Monster"
"Bucket Full of Blood"
Film: "Day the Earth Stood Still"
Week 10 - 1960's
The New Idealism, and then the world in revolution
Film: "The Dish"
Strangely enough, the idea of "international spy" caught
the imaginagion, viz....
TV (extract): Opening of "The Prisoner" -- official fan site
ref site: -- town in Wales where it was filmed
Spy shows: The Man from U.N.C.L.E. (tried to defuse the cold war)
I Spy (one of the more mysterious and intriguing)
Get Smart (the ultimate spoof)
And.... That Girl - precursor of the Mary Tyler Moore Show
The Girl from U.N.C.L.E. (see, even girls can be spies)
Honey West
Note: The "send off" ep of Girl from UNCLE featured both Stephanie
Powers and Robert Vaughn and in a bizare twist Boris Karlof
in drag - with Vaughn recapping his Hamlet days as a young actor.
Week 11 - 1970's
Enough of war and polarisation, the "credibility gap",...
Film: "The Magic Christian"
Week 12 - 1980's
Greed is good - Why not have it all?
Film: "How to succeed in Business without Really Trying"
The emergence of the anti-hero and the non-hero
or why isn't my life like that one on TV?
Film (extracts): "Die Hard"
"Desparately Seeking Susan"
Week 13 - 1990's
Technology enables the rest of the world
Film: "Lagaan: Once upon a time in India"
Week 14 - 2000's
Film: "Wag the Dog"
Film (extract) "The Matrix"
Week 15 - now, welcome to the 21st century
Film: "Ghost World"
Week 16 - Student presentations & chalk talks
Now go forth and filminate!
Oinas, Felix J. (1978). Heroic Epic and Saga - An
Introduction to the World's Great Folk Epics.
DD# 809.13-H559
Gives the break down as follows:
Homeric, Mesopomian, Sanskrit, Iranian,
Beowulf, Nibelungenlied, Icelandic,
Irish, French, Spanish Epic,
Russian Byliny, SerboCroatian Heroic Songs,
Balto-Finnic, Turkic, African heroic Epic
Shapiro, Karl (1960). In Defense of Ignorance.
DD# 809.1-S529I
Welsh, Andrew (1978). Roots of Lyric -- Primitive
Poetry and Modern Poetics.
DD# 809.14-W461R
Refers to:
CWC - Ernest Fenollosa, The Chinese Written Character
as a Medium for Poetry, ed. Ezra Pound (San
Francisco: City Lights, 1964).
ER -- Archer Taylor, English Riddles from Oral
Tradition (Berkely and Los Angeles: Univ
of Calif Press, 1951).
IR -- Vernum Hull and Archer Taylor, A Collection of
Irish Riddles, Folklore Studies, 6, (Beerkeley
and Los Angeles: Univ of Calif Press, 1955).
JAF - Journal of American FolkLore
PMLA - Publications of the Modern Language Association
of America.