See also: -[Learning]- (major jump, etc page)
See also: {}
On this page: {Intro}
{Programmed Instruction}
{The Skinner Box}
{Skinner - A Redux}
{PSI - Personalised System of Instruction}
Oddly enough, the idea of the "Skinner Box"
and the "Programmed Instruction" concepts
tend to cast some sort of Frankensteinian
pall over Skinner's work.
Having been brought up using those techniques
as well as having studied his ideas for some
time; whilest i had visions of becoming a
maths teacher. So...
Intro: Programmed Instruction
See also: {PSI - Personalised System of Instruction}
Oddly enough, the concept of programmed instruction
is very much alive and well - especially in how
language is taught.
Hello, My name is Francoise.
How are you?
Where is the school?
Across from the post office.
How do i get to the post office?
Down Avenue A, and then to the left.
etc., etc.
That is, each "new" bit of information builds directly
on the point just presented. In the formal programmed
instruction method (using paper), a piece of card
board covers up the answers in the next "frame".
Each frame presents some information. And next to it
is a question about what you just learned. Usually
this is a very short, and obvious answer. As you
progress down the page, the terms build up and slowly
terms are used without re-enforcement. Of course, you
can look back up the page for information should you
need it. But, once you turn the page a new set of
frames is presented and it becomes a hassel (and
mostly un-necessary) to turn back to the previous
Also, pages alternate in style:
1) Present new material.
2) Review a bit of the previous page, and
then go on a bit.
One of the things is that the material IS comletely
self-paced. And if you have questions, you can always
consult other course material; eg, text books, or
"in depth" study guides.
One of the most successful of these was called "SRA"
for "Survey, Reading, and Analysis". Each unit of
learning came as a packet. The first part was a
small booklet that told you what you would be
studying (eg, "The Essay - Persuaison"). Next
would be the material itself. It was a self-contained
booklet about the subject at hand and presented
information and then a brief quiz about it.
At the end of each sub-unit it would have an
If you feel that you understand this
material turn to Page x.
If you think you might need some more
help,turn to the next page.
When you completed that booklet, there was
and "Analysis" booklet - ie, the test. You
filled out a test form and filled in all of
the information. This was then handed in to
be graded - right there with you and the
three booklets. The teacher could quickly
see if you were un-clear about anything and
would then have extra drill material.
The advangtages of this sort of instruction
should be clear:
It allows each studten to proceed
at their own pace - thus leading
to less frustration for both slow
or fast learners.
The teacher can present an introductory
lesson and then let each student work on
the details. But, most of the instruction
is provided by the materials not the teacher.
Thus, the teacher's time can be spent one
one one with each student on problems or
ideas that they have.
Follow-up sessions allow students to compare
On the down-side, the method assumes a great deal
of maturity and self-motivation from each student.
Also, considerable care must go into the preparation
of materials.
Slow and fast learners would have to have special
learning systems in place to handle their needs.
But, this is a constant problem in any case.
Intro: The Skinner Box
Skinner - A Redux
PSI - Personalised System of Instruction
Again from the duskin page on skinner:
The principles of programmed learning
have been incorporated into a method
of instruction that is usually called
Personalized System of Instruction (PSI).
PSI is a self-paced instruction format
where each student works his or her way
through the course material, which is
broken down into small steps.
Each student must "master" the material
in one unit through a quiz before moving
on to the next unit. Because of active
student participation, small steps,
immediate feedback, and reinforcement,
PSI can be very effective (Reiser, 1984).
In this section: {}
Links - Of Interest
Operant Lerning - classics
Some of Skinner's papers, etc...
Sustained performance during very
long experimental sessions.
B. F. Skinner and W. H. Morse.
1958 August; 1(3): 235-244.
-[NIH link to that DOC, via JEAB]-
Accessed on 2008.04.26 @ 23:13 PST +10GMT
Some factors involved in the stimulus
control of operant behavior.
W. H. Morse and B. F. Skinner.
1958 January; 1(1): 103-107.
-[NIH link to that DOC, via JEAB]-
Accessed on 2008.04.26 @ 23:31 PST +10GMT
PSI & Programmed Learning
-['s excellent pages]-
-[TIP entries on Skinner]- (Operant Conditioning)
-[Behaviourist stuff]-