zix - Teaching Ideas
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zix Teaching Ideas
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On this page:
zix teaching - Intro
-[zix B/G info]-
These are some preliminary notes on my explorations into
how some of the ideas of the quantum, fractal, jazz, etc
approaches into creativity might be applied to teaching.
The concept of the iconsophere and specifically my looking
at the so-called "zix-42" iconosphere
-[sol3-web: www.angelfire.com/planet/iconosphere-zix]- (those notes here)
The basic idea behind "zix" is the idea of "powers to powers to ..."
(and this has nothing (mostly) to do with who's elected supreme
mylar amphibian of the year by seeing which of our lovely
candidates can stuff the most raw hamburger up their nasal
- this was one of my fellow geek's ideas of how we judge
everything by beauty contests, and such. and then when
you get down to it... (etc)...
z = creativity
i = imagination
x = the unknown (as well as the willingness to eXplore!)
thus z ^ i ^ x
is sort of like some super poweful poem by this way out
kinda well, oh, (starts to get dizzy) ...
just then: a dream forms and then suddenly it was
Jackson Pollock (almost giving up) when Lee Krasner
says, "You've done it. That's it..."
and then just when: it was almost friday (and there suddenly
wasn'nt''' ANY room at the hotel rawanda...
but then...
(well, i can openly hope that this gives you inspiration)
as one of my art froodz was just back from australlia after
going out to the (well, the out-back; natch ;)
onward we go..
Other links: (btw "-[]-" indicates a sep window will open)...
-[Harry's just this teacher you know....]-
-[Samuel Butler]- (so where's an hen when you need one?)
-[And don't forget: 'The Secret of ChildHood' by her as well!]-
-[So, what part of 'all' don't you get]-
in "with liberty and justice for all. One nation ..."
well, i guess we're still working on that part still...
-[last time it was the influensa... now?]-
peace to all,
(details to follow)
And this just in: Forcast for tonight... Dark. Followed by continuing
darkness, with the possibility of early-morning
brightness near dawn....
--42-- (but, pls no *real* --30-- ever)
and of course:
wibble with John Cage having his hair shampooed by Nam June Paik,
but then suddenly it was Thursdae!!! (and what was particularly
odd (in light of the early morning lightness) was that it was
only tuesday the night before!
and curiouser and curiouser was played by Sir Winston Churchill's
book on water colour technique and of coure Jerry Mathers as "the beaver"
..((/?\)).. [] [][] [] [] (spare towels)....