[MALT]  [my Ashford MAIN page]  [^^home]  

See also:  -[EDU-610]-

On this page: {Stuff} (books and gog'y, etc)
              {Links} (add'l resources)

On line bookstore

  Or call EDMAP @ 800.274.9104 

Campus bookstore:  Extn. 9191 (but doesn't really stock much - oh, well;
                               and this is an ART school?  hmmm)...
                              Shades of deja vu - but certainly not many
                              shades of ink ;)
        demo for the MALT intro class

  -[Entrance greets from the prof]-
  -[about: Frank]-



EDU 610]- Intro to Tech in EDU. -[]-


(add'l resources)