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nedu: Meetings (including recitation)
See also:
-[Smart Rooms]- (smart-boards, e-euqipped-rooms, etc)
-[zix teaching methods]- (teaching folder)
-[Traditional Maths topics]-
-[nedu: Approximately]- (1 = 0; approximately)
-[LKits]- (Learning Kits)
nedu: Meetings (including recitation)
On this Page: {Meetings - Intro}
Meetings: Intro
There ARE different kinds of meetings, but almost
all of them involve conflict due to the mis-perceptions
as to WHAT kind of meeting is going on. It is not
un-common for one or more people (purportedly
equals in the meeting) to "high jack" the meeting
and turn it into a soap-box or personal ego trip.
{0) A Brainstorming Session}
{1) A Briefing/Teaching/Learning Meeting}
{2) A Planning Meeting}
{3) A Review/Critique}
{4) A Reception}
{5) A formal presentation}
{6) A Post-mortem}
These are disccussed below.
0) A Brainstorming Session
The purpose of a brain-storming session is generate
ideas and NOT to judge those ideas.
The idea is that since each of us thinks in
different ways, by "going round in a circle"
and letting what the person before said suggest
to us a new idea and then throwing it out, we
might generate new ways of thinking about things.
The ideas should be recorded in such a way that
the creative flows (ebbs and leaps) will be least
interrupted. Video or audio equip can be used for
this, and all should understand that it is to be
as NON-judgemental as possible: Once people start
feeling self-conscious, the creative process breaks
down, people become guarded in what they will say.
And at that point, you might as well disolve the
meeting and schedual a port-mortem.
1) A Briefing/Teaching/Learning Meeting
A briefing is essentially a ONE-WAY presentation
of ideas or news for the leanrning of the other
people present.
Similarly, a status report is where each person
tells a bit about what they have been working on
since the last meeting.
Traditional teaching/learning is of this sort:
A lecturer may present a technique of how to do
a specific thing. Since in many cases, this is
tedious and non-interactive (most of the particpants
are in a purely passively receptive state and must
constantly force themselves to be interested in
the topic), it is probably the least effective
way of presenting information.
A better way is to provide previously created
material (a document, a video/audio presentation,
etc) which each person can review in their own
way. And then a discussion can be held; eg, a
planning or review meeting.
2) A Planning Meeting
A planning meeting is used to take items that the
audience/participants have already been briefed
on and to report what progress has been made. If
participants have been assigned (or taken responsiblity
for) tasks, they can then report their plans "so far".
3) A Review/Critique
A review/critique meeting looks at items that
are essentially ready for "release". For example,
if a product has been developed, implemented
and tested then a review is used to give a
GO / NO-GO signal for the release (or field
test) of the product.
Critques are used to point up PLUS and MINUS
features of a thing. Often times in a critique
people either take one of the two poles:
1) I must criticize negatively that thing,
so that my own work will look better.
2) I mustn't talk negatively about that
thing, or others will attack my own
Both extremes have their place (especially in
life-critical situations in the case of #1, and
in learning/exploring situtations in the case of
#2) - but for the most part "everything is good".
It may not be what *i* (*you*, *we*, they, etc)
would do. In many cases, a person gains the most
by saying the least in response to criticisms
of their work: Let others make their judgements
(sort of a brin-storming critique), note it down
and then use it synergistically to improve and/or
extend your own work.
4) A Reception
A reception is a formal occasion that allows
people who are almost always not the direct
creators of things to be acknowledged. They
usually write the checks. Formal dress and
"refined" behaviour by the creators is
usually required. In many cases (esp in
terms of large projects), only a few of the
creators will be invited to the reception.
The concept of "inside person" and "outside
person" applies here. These tend to be tedious
affairs and should be avoided by creative people
if possible - better to act as an usher or
5) A formal presentation
A formal presentation is (like a reception) a
way to let non-creators feel to be a part of
the process. In many cases, the creative
people and the beautiful people will form
separate groups. This behaviour is explained
by Darwin's Second Law (which oddly enough
is exactly the same law used to explain
heaviour in a poker game).
Formal presentations MUST be practiced; the
closest equivalent is the production of a
Shakespear play in traditional format. There
will probably be no surprises in the meeting.
6) A Post-mortem
After all is said and done, evolution decrees:
Evolve or die! The post mortem reviews what
went right, what went wrong, and what needs to
be fixed next. The writer/philosophers Satanna
and H.G. Wells have put it similarly:
Those that do not learn from
the mistakes of history are
doomed to repeat them.
Of course, one person's Rubicon is another
person's English Channel.
Briefly, a recitation is a tutorial session that is
associated with a lecture or lab course. For example,
a physics course might contain the main lecture which
presents the material in the primary text book(s).
Homework is assigned and this is then attempted by
the students and reviewed/tutored in the recitation
class. As such, the recitation class is usually a
much more relaxed, smaller class size, and "we're
all just chickens here" sort of trying to figure
it all out.
Changing the Maths Cur.
-[Change of Context]- (c of c)
-[Programmed Learning]- (nobody here in this maze, but just us mice!)
In this section: {<><>}
{Teaching Maths}
{Mathematical Proofs} (and such)
Teaching Maths
-[www: TheMathLab . com]-
Interesting site with lots of "get invovle"
activities for maths
In the "teachers only", some good guidances
mini-lectures (five mins each of: Talk, Try the idea, Report!)
individual work
writing assignments
discovery lessons
computer practice
Internet research
spreadsheet explorations
humorous stories
lively historical anecdotes and facts
one on one peer tutoring
timed drills
self checking worksheets with answer banks
the sites www.coursecompass.com/ and MyMathLab.com
seem pretty $-oriented "improve that grade!"
Mathematical Proofs
(and such)
-[Goldberger's paper on why proofs are necessary]-