[^^The Pond Normal School] (^to the home page)
See also:
-[Meetings]- (including recitation)
-[Smart Rooms]- (smart board concepts, and beyond)
-[zix teaching methods]- (teaching folder)
-[Traditional Maths topics]-
-[nedu: Approximately]- (1 = 0; approximately)
-[LKits]- (Learning Kits)
On this Page: {nedu - Intro}
{Ways of Thinking}
See also: -[Different Models]-
{Changing the Maths Cur.}
How do we relate to information?
In a way, mathematics is kind of language. But,
then so is every area of knowledge. And of
course, that means a certain amount of exposure
to each thing will take time to "penetrate". And
yet, we still teach classes like everyone is going
to "get it" the first time. Some will (a few), most
won't and probably all will not quite fitted in to
the program.
Ways of Thinking
Associative thinking, and analogical thinking.
In the 2-dimensional Euclidean plane we can find
the intersection of two lines using the WAY of
"two equations in two unknowns"
Similarly, we can take a differential equation
and restrain it via a set of constraints and
get a certain solution; a diff set of constr's
gives a diff (or no) soln.
What happens when fractals collide?
That is, fractals as graphs of an equation.
See also: -[Different Models]-
Changing the Maths Cur.
Ways of Thinking
-[Change of Context]- (c of c)
-[Programmed Learning]- (nobody here in this maze, but just us mice!)
In this section: {<><>}
{Teaching Maths}
{Mathematical Proofs} (and such)
Teaching Maths
-[www: TheMathLab . com]-
Interesting site with lots of "get invovle"
activities for maths
In the "teachers only", some good guidances
mini-lectures (five mins each of: Talk, Try the idea, Report!)
individual work
writing assignments
discovery lessons
computer practice
Internet research
spreadsheet explorations
humorous stories
lively historical anecdotes and facts
one on one peer tutoring
timed drills
self checking worksheets with answer banks
the sites www.coursecompass.com/ and MyMathLab.com
seem pretty $-oriented "improve that grade!"
Mathematical Proofs
(and such)
-[Goldberger's paper on why proofs are necessary]-