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Teaching: Alternative Jobs
See also: -[The Borges Library]- (Lessons and tea.)
The following are TALKING PAPERS on education issues (controvesy ahoy!)
-[The EDU Game]-
-[Science Appreciation]-
NB -[Music/Art Therapy]-
-[Teacher Development]-
-[Teaching Jobs]-
-[Lesson(s) - Lesson Plans]-
-[Subjects - specific areas; eg, Calculus, Organic Chemistry, etc]-
-[THE Program]- (how/what/etc)
-[Teaching TOOLS]-
[Teaching Systems/Platforms/Env's/etc>]
[Teaching Certification]
Alternative Jobs/Approaches
Think globally; act locally.
On this page: {Intro}
{www: Arts Fort Worth .org}
{Council of Mayors (99)}
{Eco Psychology}
{Neighborhood Arts Program}
{Usefull Google Searches}
{Links} (helper web sites mostly!)
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--------- T H E J O B S: I N T R O --------
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In this section:
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(helper web sites mostly!)
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Downloaded from: -[www: Arts Fort Worth .org]- on 2007-09-09.
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--------- C O U N C I L O F M A Y O R S --------
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Council of Mayors (99)
Downloaded from: -[Council of Mayers (99)]- on 2007-09-10.
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--------- E C O P S Y C H O L O G Y --------
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Eco Psychology
Downloaded from: -[www.EcoPsych.com]- on 2007-09-23.
Blurb from site: Revolutionary alternative holistic programs
benefit from natural, hands-on, funded,
courses and art therapy career education training jobs and
degrees online. Increase your personal and environmental
Gain the expertise to reach your greatest potential by
mastering a core Psychological Elements of Global
Citizenship online course.
-[Waiver of MS requirements]-
A great quote: Most people seem to have some kind of
rainbow that continually escapes them.
If they search for it for a thousand years, they may
find its peace. With this program, I walk out my back
door and become a rainbow...the trees, the grass, the
song of the wind, the clouds, the yellow daffodils.
I become peace.
- Reconnecting With Nature
WEB SITE TOPICS: Ecopsychology in Action:
Training Courses,
Books and Grants for Organic Gaia Psychology Therapists,
Nature Deficit Disorder,
Interdisciplinary Earth Wisdom Study,
Peace Corps,
Graduate Schools,
Environmental and Human Services CEU,
Holistic Outdoor Counseling,
The Secret Natural Law of Attraction,
War on Terrorism,
Climate Change Answers,
Sustainable Soul Coaching,
Stress Relief Management,
Natural Health and Wellness,
Inner and Global Peace,
Alternative Education Grants,
Debt Solution Money,
Global Warming Remedies
Organic Leadership Consciousness
-[Dr. Cohen's speech on "Natural Attraction"]-
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--------- N A P : N E I G H B O R H O O D A R T S Pgm --------
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Neighborhood Arts Program
Downloaded from: -[]- on 2007-09-12.
via: -[via this site (seconderary; 1999)]-
Links and further info following the following:
Text (from above Cncl of Myrs'99)
The Neighborhood Arts Program (NAP) was founded in 1992
as a way to bring the arts, in the form of classes,
performances, workshops, and exhibitions, to Fort Worth's
low-income neighborhoods. Research revealed in 1991 that
many of our citizens, especially those living in low-income .
areas, were not visiting art museums, attending arts
performances, or providing arts education for themselves
or their children. NAP was formed to develop and deliver
the arts to children and families in low-income
neighborhoods, to partner with other agencies in
neighborhood revitalization, to encourage participation
in the arts as an antidote to antisocial behavior, and
to suggest paths to self-esteem and civic pride.
NAP provides safe, creative, and free or very low-cost
after-school, evening, and weekend activities, taught
by professional artists, for at-risk children and then-
families. Over thirty-six local arts groups are funded
by the Arts Council every year to present high-quality
arts instruction and presentations throughout city
neighborhoods. Many of the arts education programs
have evolved into professional arts ensembles, employing .
students and professionals alike, who then perform at
neighborhood arts centers. The program served 50,000
children and family members last year, and we hope
to serve even more in 2000.
Arts Council of Fort Worth and Tarrant County
505 Main StreetSuite 200
Fort WorthTX76102
Coming Up Taller Project
-[Arts Council of Fort Worth]-
-[The Coming Up Taller Project]-
"There is no way to fast forward and know how the kids will
look ack at this, but I have seen the joy in their eyes
and have heard it in their voices and I have watche them
take a bow and COME UP TALLER." - Willie Reale
- The 52nd Street Project,
New York City, NY, (terra apparently)
-[www: ArtsFortWorth.org]-
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--------- G O O G L E S E A R C H E S --------
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Useful Google Searches
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-[ "after school" "art programs" "fort worth" ]- (on: 2007.09.12)
-[ "neighborhood arts program" "tarrant" ]-
Video Editors
-[ "video editor" "like sony vegas" ]-
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--------- L I N K S --------
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(helper web sites mostly!)
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