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Teaching: Schools
See also: -[The Borges Library]- (Lessons and tea.)
The following are TALKING PAPERS on education issues (controvesy ahoy!)
-[The EDU Game]-
-[Music/Art Therapy]-
-[Teacher Development]-
-[Lesson(s) - Lesson Plans]-
-[Teaching: Job Skills]-
-[Subjects - specific areas; eg, Calculus, Organic Chemistry, etc]-
-[Teaching TOOLS]-
-[THE Program] (what's needed, how, etc)
-[Alterative Teaching Jobs]-
Main entries: -[Local DFW Schools]-
-[WSISD & FWISD Schools]-
-[OnLine Schools]-
WestWood College - abs fab degree in I/A and Arts&Tech !!
Warren Univ (aka Kennedy-Western) - MS MIS -
Capella - abs fab PhD in Edu: I/A and O/L learning
{WestWood College} (2/3/4 year programs)