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Teaching: Music/Art Therapy
See also: -[The Borges Library]- (Lessons and tea.)
The following are TALKING PAPERS on education issues (controvesy ahoy!)
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[Teaching Certification]
Music/Art Therapy
See also: -[Neighborhood Arts Program]-
On this page: {Intro}
{AMTA: American Music Therapy Association}
{Music Therapy Degrees On-Line}
{Art Therapy Association}
{Usefull Google Searches}
{Links} (helper web sites mostly!)
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--------- T H E R A P Y I N T R O --------
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This paper was v. usefull: -[www.waldenu.edu]-
Gave this link: -[www.arttherapy.org]-
Also looks good.
[1. GRUHN (2000)"] ... landscape determines to some degree
the criteria of evaluation ... Therapy.
British Journal of Music Therapy,
Vol. 11, no 2, pp. 36-44 ... for Musical
Transfer Effects? [online]. Electronic Music Journal ...
-[Nordic Journal of Medical Therapy]- PUB GUIDE LINES
Looks good, http://www.music-journal.com/english/htm/forsch/gruhn/gruhnre.htm
but: NIA (No Information Available)
-[SteinHardt School of Culture, Education & Human Development]-
(The Nordoff-Robbins Centre for Music Therapy)
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--------- A M T A -- American Music Therapy Association --------
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AMTA: American Music Therapy Association
The are primarily responsible for issuing the "MT/BC" (Music Threrapist/Board Certified).
Blurb from the AMTA site: Music Therapy is an allied health
profession in which music is used
within a therapeutic relationship to address physical,
psychological, cognitive, and social needs of individuals.
After assessing the strengths and needs of each client, the
qualified music therapist provides the indicated treatment
including creating, singing, moving to, and/or listening to music.
Certification: At the completion of AMTA-approved academic
training and internship, the student is
eligible for admission to the certification exam administered
by the Certification Board for Music Therapists, Inc. Upon
passing the national examination administered by the CBMT,
the student acquires the credential Music Therapist-Board
Certified (MT-BC). Coursework requirements vary; contact
individual universities for specific information.
Undergrad Bachelors: Course work in music therapy, psychology,
music, biological, social and behavioral
sciences, disabilities and general studies.
For further information: About membership, publications,
employment opportunities or other
benefits, contact:
American Music Therapy Association,
8455 Colesville Road, Suite 1000,
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Phone: 301.589.3300
Fax: 301.589.5175
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--------- M U S I C T H E R A P Y (CERT) O N L I N E --------
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Music Therapy: On-Line CERT
-[via mamma: ]- "bachelors" "music therapy" "online"
Provided links as follow:
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--------- N A P : N E I G H B O R H O O D A R T S Pgm --------
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Neighborhood Arts Program
Downloaded from: -[]- on 2007-09-12.
via: -[via this site (seconderary; 1999)]-
Links and further info following the following:
Text (from above Cncl of Myrs'99)
The Neighborhood Arts Program (NAP) was founded in 1992
as a way to bring the arts, in the form of classes,
performances, workshops, and exhibitions, to Fort Worth's
low-income neighborhoods. Research revealed in 1991 that
many of our citizens, especially those living in low-income .
areas, were not visiting art museums, attending arts
performances, or providing arts education for themselves
or their children. NAP was formed to develop and deliver
the arts to children and families in low-income
neighborhoods, to partner with other agencies in
neighborhood revitalization, to encourage participation
in the arts as an antidote to antisocial behavior, and
to suggest paths to self-esteem and civic pride.
NAP provides safe, creative, and free or very low-cost
after-school, evening, and weekend activities, taught
by professional artists, for at-risk children and then-
families. Over thirty-six local arts groups are funded
by the Arts Council every year to present high-quality
arts instruction and presentations throughout city
neighborhoods. Many of the arts education programs
have evolved into professional arts ensembles, employing .
students and professionals alike, who then perform at
neighborhood arts centers. The program served 50,000
children and family members last year, and we hope
to serve even more in 2000.
Arts Council of Fort Worth and Tarrant County
505 Main StreetSuite 200
Fort WorthTX76102
Coming Up Taller Project
-[Arts Council of Fort Worth]-
-[The Coming Up Taller Project]-
"There is no way to fast forward and know how the kids will
look ack at this, but I have seen the joy in their eyes
and have heard it in their voices and I have watche them
take a bow and COME UP TALLER." - Willie Reale
- The 52nd Street Project,
New York City, NY, (terra apparently)
-[www: ArtsFortWorth.org]-
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--------- S A Y B R O O K . E D U --------
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Downloaded from: -[listings.gradschools.com]- on 2007-09-09.
Blurb from there:
Saybrook Graduate School
Admissions Department
Saybrook offers Western Association of Schools and Colleges
(WASC) accredited distance learning programs for M.A. and Ph.D.
degrees in Psychology, Organizational Systems (OS), and Human Science.
Expressive Arts for Healing and Social Change
747 Front Street, 3rd Floor
San Francisco, CA 94111 USA
E-mail to: admissions@saybrook.edu
Phone: 1-800-825-4480
Fax: 1-415-433-9271
-[Certifactes notice]-
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--------- A R T T H E R A P Y A S S O C . --------
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AATA: Art Therapy Association
Downloaded from: -[Art Therapy Association]- on 2007-09-09.
{Art Therapy Association}
The AATA Educational Standards (2007)
24 Credits (36 quarter) Hours
Instructors must be ATR certified
A. History and Theory of Art Therapy
B. Techniques of Practice in AT.
C. Application of AT with People in Different Treatment Settings.
D. Group Work.
E. Art Therapy Assement.
F. Ethical and Legal issues of AT practice.
G. Standards in AT.
H. Cultural and Social Diversity.
I. Thesis or culminating work.
Content-Related areas
A. Psycho-pathology; spe re: Use of the DSM multi-axial system.
B. Human growth and development.
C. Counciling and psychological theories.
D. Cultural and Social diversity.
E. Assessment.
F. Research.
G. Studio Art.
H. Career and LifeStyl Development (optional).
Practicum and Internship
Minimum of 100 hours of supervised art therapy.
Min of 600 hours of supervised art therapy internship.
300 of which must be working directly w/patients.
350 total client contact hours (practicum and/or internship)
-[AATA's president message]-
Extract: Due to the large numbers of returning veterans
with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), the
need to provide quality care for those with PTSD is a
humanitarian endeavor and has become the core of our
proposed study. As you know, PTSD is an extremely
debilitating mental condition that is difficult to
treat. Its symptoms, which include intrusive thoughts
and hyper-arousal as well as avoidance and emotional
numbing, respond very well to art therapy practices.
We have a body of anecdotal evidence that suggests that
art therapy is effective in diagnosing and treating PTSD
from the decades of work art therapists have undertaken
in military and veterans hospitals in the past decades.
I was able to see first hand its effectiveness with
veterans through my work at Walter Reed. I know from my
experience that art therapy can vastly expedite the
treatment of PTSD allowing more of our solders to
effectively heal their physiological trauma.
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--------- G O O G L E S E A R C H E S --------
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Useful Google Searches
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-[ "after school" "art programs" "fort worth" ]- (on: 2007.09.12)
-[ "neighborhood arts program" "tarrant" ]-
Video Editors
-[ "video editor" "like sony vegas" ]-
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--------- L I N K S --------
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(helper web sites mostly!)
Usefull Google Searches
"bachelors" "music therapy" "online"
(This section only)
Gruhn, Wilfried (2000). "Does Brain Research Support the Hope
for Musical Transfer Effects?" [online].
Electronic Music Journal EMJ. Retrieved Oct. 25, 2004,
from http://www.music-journal.com/english/htm/forsch/gruhn/gruhnre.htm
Downloaded on THIS site: 2007-09-23.
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