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Teaching: Skills

NOTE: Specific links (skills, subjects, etc) FOLLOW the following links... See also: -[The Borges Library]- (Lessons and tea.) The following are TALKING PAPERS on education issues (controvesy ahoy!) -[The EDU Game]- -[Music/Art Therapy]- -[Teacher Development]- -[Teaching: Target Jobs]- -[Lesson(s) - Lesson Plans]- -[Schools]- -[THE Program] (what's needed, how, etc) -[Subjects - specific areas; eg, Calculus, Organic Chemistry, etc]- -[Teaching TOOLS]- [Teaching Systems/Platforms/Env's/etc>] [Teaching Certification] -[Alterative Teaching Jobs]- See also: This list is SPECIFIC skills, subjects, etc... Links to tuto's etc. See also: http://surfaquarium.com/newsletter/tech_tutorials.htm

Teaching: Skills

PhotoShop, HTML, etc - and HYPER SKILLS! On this page: {Intro} {General COMPUTER Skills} {General WEB Skills} {AcroBat} {} {AP Style} {APA Style} {} {The BlackBoard.Com system} {} {} {} {CRM (Customer Relationships Management)} {CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)} {} {} {M/S Excel} {} {} {Flash} {FTP (File Transfer Protocol)} {} {HTML (Hyper Text Mark-up Language} {DHTML} {XML} {} {InDesign} {} {} {} {Linux/Unix} {} {} {MAC (MacIntosh)} {} {} {} {MLA Style} {} {} {On-Line systems} {} {PhotoShop} {} {} {Quark Express} {} {} {SAP ()} {} {M/S Windows} {M/S Word} {} {HYPER SKILLS: ON!} {Links} (helper web sites mostly!)


(helper web sites mostly!) -[

General Computer Skills

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General Web Skills

]- -[]- -[]- -[]- -[An actually *good* .gov page!]- (spreading the web; tips towel to Irene McDermott)

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AP Style

AP (Associated Press) is the formating style (others include APA and MLA) used in how pages are laid out, the way that abreviations are used (or spelled out), as well as how REFERENCES, and BIBLIOGRAPHY are done. Usually used in NEW PAPER WORK, the PRINT INDUSTRY, etc. -[
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APA Style

APA (American Psychological Association) is the formating style (others include AP, and MLA) used in how pages arelaid out, the way that abreviations are used (or spelled out), as well as how REFERENCES, and BIBLIOGRAPHY are done. Usually used in Anthropology, History, and (sometimes) Education, etc. Education often uses MLA.

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BlackBoard.com system

Well done Karen!!!! - this is one of the finest resource pages on the net!!! -[
Karen's Linguistic pages...]- -[]- -[]- -[]- -[]- -[]- -[]- -[]- Well done Karen!!!! - this is one of the finest resource pages on the net!!! -[Karen's Linguistic pages...]-

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(Customer Relationships Management) Both a protocol and a methodology for modeling a company and its customers - and their mutal I/A's (Inte/Actions). -[
wiki entry on CRM]- -[www.FreeCRMrecources.com]- -[]- -[]-


(Cascading Style Sheets) -[
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M/S Excel

(A spread-sheet program) -[
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aka: Adobe Flash, MacroMedia Flash. Flash is a proprietary (ie, owned by a company; namely: Adobe, Inc.) comptuter graphics - mainly 2D animation program/environment. -[
www.adobe.com: Flash]- You have a Graphics Editor (WYSIWYG - What you see is what you get) and you can build up "still" images of a cartoon/film and as the program (FlashPlayer, Jplayer, M/S Media Player, etc) runs it you have, well: ANIMATION! Flash is mainly a MAC (MacIntosh) program, but variants (and Open Source equivalents) run on PC's, Linux/Unix machines, etc. -[]- -[]-


(File Transfer Protocol) Examples of FTP programs are: Ping, CuteFTP, WS-FTP, etc. NOTE: "Ping" is technically an application (program) written to run on Linux/Unix and it has been ported (translated) to run on almost all computer systems - i not all. I'm sure there are other "things" out there called "Ping"; eg, "pong" ;) FTP is a "low-level" ("high level" is like M/S Word "the lowest level" is like Windows X/P itself) means of up/down loading files to and from the internet. You'll probably hear about the international standards for this; eg, "X.25" "X.75" (x-dot twenty five), etc. FTP is *both* a protocol (an exact specification as to how each part of the system is to respond, etc), as well as various programs that use FTP to move files, etc. FTP is part of the support software that makes web sites, blogs, etc possible. Think: Programmer/Scripter. Computer &/or I/S (Information/Systems) geek here. At the DEEPEST level would be a C/C++ (C#, Java, etc) programmer. At the APPLICATIONS level are things like Sys/Min (Systems/Administrator), computer operator (in a large computer operations room; eg, American Air Lines, IBM, etc), or even a SCRIPTER writing control files that direct the FTP systems (programs, data bases, etc) as to how/when/what to do. -[
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(Hyper Text Mark-up Language) In this section: HTML (just below here) {
DHTML} {XML} -[]- -[]-



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(operating system) -[
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(operating system) Mac/OS, OS-X, etc. -[
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MLA Style

MLA (Modern Language Association) is the formating style (others include AP, and APA) used in how pages arelaid out, the way that abreviations are used (or spelled out), as well as how REFERENCES, and BIBLIOGRAPHY are done. Usually used in Literature, research, and (sometimes) Education, etc. Education often uses APA.

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On-Line Systems

]- Well done Karen!!!! - this is one of the finest resource pages on the net!!! -[Karen's Linguistic pages...]- -[]- -[Collaborative Virtual ENV]- -[BlackBoard systems (dev issues) - CS]- -[RINDA - black-board system]- -[]- -[]- -[]- -[]-

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Quark Express

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(Systems, Applications Products) SAP is basically (or comlicatedly) a buiness management system of tools that allows for buy/sell of goods, inventory, etc. ??wheres-wiki-pages?? -[
www.SAP.com]- -[What is SAP?]-

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M/S Windows

(operating system) (Windows 3.1, Windows 95, Windows 98, Window XP, etc) -[
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M/S Word

Note: When WORD is install, some people don't do the FULL installation (or have an illegal copy) - as such, a LOT of times things like SPELL-CHECK, EXTRA-FORMS (think business cards), or even FULL-HELP are missing. You will find that you are often doomed without these "who needs those?" extras. Re-install or have your own copy, etc. And remember: DON'T PANIC! (in big, friendly letters) -[
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]- -[]- ----------------------------------------- ------------ HYPER SKILLS ------------ ----------------------------------------- {


The following is *supposed* to be fairly complete and should form the BULK of this file. email additions/suggestions to: fleeding@hotmail.com -- share and enjoy! --42-- Skills: {
Group Think} (Q/T, fractals, etc) {Computer} (word processing, I/Net, etc) {HTML} {C is for Coding} (scripting/etc) {Traditional Arts} {Audio} {Video} {Rendering} (Blender) {Doom-3} {Maya} {V/R} {Electronics} {Robotics} (including A/I) {MAC} {PC} {TUX} (Unix, Linux, Xenix, Xenos, etc) {Philosophy, Jupiter Space, Infinity and Beyond.}

Group Think

(Q/T, fractals, etc)


(word processing, I/Net, etc)


Note: When they say something like: Extensive experience and familiarity with HTML and CSS required. Must be able to create web pages without the use of WYSIWYG programs such as FrontPage, GoLive, etc. Watch out! This is a PROGRAMMER/SCRIPER skill and will not just require extra-HTML skills, but an intimate knowledge of the application (eg, FrontPage) - think BRAIN SURGEON here. And remember: DON'T PANIC! (in big, friendly letters)

C is for Coding

(scripting/etc) There really isn't anything more difficult about coding than riding a bicycle (or playing one as a musical instrument), or learning Bosnian (or proper French pronunskiation), or learning to levitate (as Douglas Adams sez in the H2G2: "You just throw yourself at the floor, and then forget to hit it"). You simply need to think like a fish; er, ahm - A line of code, a block of code, a sub-routine: a program. Regardless, anyone can learn to CLONE code (if they can use cut and paste with a text editor, they can clone!). For obvious reasons, coding will be treated in the TECH section. The model (and *still* standard) for coding is the "C" language - much as we computer nerds *still* love such dialects as lisp, ada, pascal/modula-2/etc, snobol, and of course the grand parents of all: Fortran and Cobol. And the great grand entity of all of all: BNF (Baur-Normal Form) -- genuflects and tips towel). -[
Quick Robin: To the "C" Cave!]-

Traditional Arts




(Blender) Blender is an OpenSource version of about 20 major tools all integrated together. In reality, it's what we should all be using. In the other reality, Doom-3, Maya, Half Life, Real Life, etc will be here for a long time. Of course, this goes back to the "language translation" problem. Believe me there is *always* good money in being conversant in two or more langauges; remembers back to the "good ol' days" at MCI, writing a C program to extract COBOL data structures and create equivalent c struct blocks. Regardless, i tend to focus more on blender and doom-3; doom-3 was my first V/R experience, and still like it, but onward we go! Since Doom-3 and Maya have such a large following, there are some v. nice tutorials on them and of course the transport and seamlessness of objects is probably among the best. But, as with *all* effects, "we'll fix it in post"; ie, post-production. After all, you didn't *really* that they cloned a bunch of dinosaurs (and well trained ones at that: After all t-rex *always* hit her mark!) did you? -[
pizoig pages on Blender]-


pizoig pages on D3]- (Doom3)


pizoig pages on Maya]-




(including A/I)




(Unix, Linux, Xenix, Xenos, etc)

Philosophy, Jupiter Space, Infinity and Beyond.


(helper web sites mostly!) -[
www.TeacherSupportNetwork]- -[]-