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Teaching: Subjects: Software Engineering
NOTE: Specific links (skills, subjects, etc) FOLLOW the following links...
ALSO: LINKS on this page have GENERAL stuff to teaching subjects which PROB
aren't repeated on other pages.
See also: -[The Borges Library]- (Lessons and tea.)
The following are TALKING PAPERS on education issues (controvesy ahoy!)
-[The EDU Game]-
-[Alterative Teaching Jobs]-
-[Teacher Development]-
-[Teaching: Target Jobs]-
-[THE Program] (what's needed, how, etc)
-[M/S Word, Adobe Illustrator, etc]-
-[Teaching TOOLS]-
[Teaching Systems/Platforms/Env's/etc>]
[Teaching Certification]
-[Music/Art Therapy]-
NOTE: This list is SPECIFIC skills, subjects, etc... Links to tuto's etc.
Following the LINKS, subject-by-subject links - this is a MAJOR JUMP PAGE
Sp. Links: -[TEA approved textbooks]-
-[TCEA: Tx Comp Edu Association]-
-[ISTE.org]- Intl Soc for Tech in EDU
-[www.TheJournal]- THE: Tech Horiz's in EDU
-[Tech & Learning]-
Info/ -[I/Sys's SURVEY]
/Sys's: -[S/W Eng]
CMM - Capability Maturity Model
Acronym Definition
RMSS Regimental Medical Supply Section
RMSS Reliability, Maintainability, Supportability and Safety
RMSS Remote Manipulator System Simulator
RMSS Resilient Mass Storage Server
RMSS Resources Management Support Strategy
RMSS Risk Management and Safety Systems
RMSS Risk Management Strategic Services, LLC
RMSS Rocky Mountain Stamp Show (Denver, Colorado)
RMSS Rocky Mountain Star Stare (Colorado)
RMSS Roland Michener Secondary School (Ontario, Canada)
Rmss Root-Mean-Square in Seconds (US Geological Survey; used to calculate accuracy of quake power models)
ibm or such...
aix - curses
petascale computing
(operating system)
(helper web sites mostly!)
univ professors....
interesting but hard to figure out what to do - or if the stuff
is on-line or not???
but again with the 40 $US$ 111!!
The following didn't allow me to register, but looks
v. good as a MODEL for developing a site for teacher edu.
again to buy $40 (do they think: Oh, here we go some poor sap w/out a job
sleeping on his parent's sofa, surely, Shirley, s/h/ei has $40 a pop!!!
but this one looks abs fab - good summaries, but haven't found the MEAT yet...